Create a template

The application allows you to create templates from your project in order to reuse the same base for your project creations.

Templates include:

You can use an existing project at any time to create a template from it.

Tap the button from a project thumbnail or from the root of a project and tap the Create template button.

A new template will be added to the list of templates.

When you add a new project by taping/clicking on the button + Add from the home screen, your new template can be selected.

If you wish to create a template without drawings or follow-ups, create a project corresponding to the template you want, and create a template from this project.

Once the template is created, you can delete the project used as a base if you wish.

Edit a model

You can edit the name and description of a model at any time, as well as its default image.

To edit a model, tap/click on the + Add button from the home screen, and tap the pencil button of the model thumbnail you wish to edit.

Once your changes are made, tap/click on the Save button to save the model.

Delete a model

You can delete a model at any time.

To delete a model, tap/click on the + Add button from the home screen, and tap the trash button of the model thumbnail you wish to delete.